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  1. I just want instructions for how to best keep my water kefir healthy. I’ve been using water kefir for several years, but my grains had gotten tiny and fewer, so I recently ordered some from your Etsy shop. The instructions given were so minimal that I really want more info, but can’t find anything here. How often do you usually feed them and always with brown sugar? I’m asking that because my old grains got slimy and nasty when I used brown sugar too often, so I usually used white. I’m also curious about the baking soda. I’d never heard that before… Does that counter the slimy yuck that I encountered with brown sugar? I’d just love a bit more information. Thanks!

    Btw, all the pop-ups in your website make it really hard to navigate! They block the dialogue boxes so that I can’t see what I’m typing, and they are Very hard to close.

    1. Hey Ronda!

      I am so sorry to hear about your trouble with the water kefir grains. I will share my exact step by step below that yields the best results for me.

      1. In a half gallon mason jar I add 1/2 cup of brown sugar. I find that brown sugar has just always worked better for me than the white sugar, but you can most definitely use white sugar. Then I fill it up with room temp water leaving about 3 inches or so at the top.

      2. I allow it to sit for a few minutes stirring it occasionally until the sugar has mostly dissolved.

      3. I then add half a cup of kefir grains.

      4. Every other ferment I add about 1/4 tsp baking soda or celtic sea salt. This just adds additional minerals to the grains and I find that it keeps them healthier.

      5. I then add about 3-4 raisins to the jar and cover with a coffee filter and ring. The raisins also provide additional “food” to the grains but also help me to know when they are “ready” for the second ferment when the raisins float to the top. I also will give the jar a little spin and watch for bubbles floating from the bottom to the top towards the 24 hour mark. My first ferment is usually complete within 24-48 hours. The closer they get to the 48 hour mark or if I leave them any longer they begin to get that slimy feeling.

      6. Once my raisins are floating I remove the grains and then add any additional flavors (juice, fruit etc) and begin my second ferment.

      Some other helpful tips: Make sure your grains are kept in optimal temperatures. You want them to stay under 85 degrees, but usually anything too cold will cause them to “hibernate.” So if you need to take a break you can pop them in the fridge for up to a week.

      It takes my smaller grains several “ferments” to grow. But also remember the small ones will ferment just as well as the bigger ones and require less “food.”

      Please let me know if you have anymore questions! You are welcome to reach out to me at

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