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  1. Hi! I’d like to know if homemade oregano oil
    With 1:1 ratio still has to be diluted for consumption or external use?
    I’m new to this. I’ve done one batch of homemade oil and we’ve been using it undiluted. Just wondering if I’m doing it right! Thanks 🙂

    1. For external use I would put a drop of oregano oil in a tsp of a carrier oil if you have sensitive skin. I will say I have used it undiluted many times without any repercussions, but sometimes people are sensitive to it. As far as orally, I have a hard time getting past the taste so I do dilute like 2-3 drops in a cup of water or juice.

  2. Hi there! Can I ask what your favorite olive oil is for infusing? I am new to this and I want to make sure I am using the best ingredients. Thanks!

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